Final Report. Regional analysis of the (I)NDCs in the SEMed Region (report).
Authors: Jaime D. Fernandez M. and Ashanapuri Herta
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As part of the Paris climate agreement, countries have submitted (Intended) Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which includes greenhouse gas reduction proposals beyond 2020. This study provides an overview of 13 South Eastern Mediterranean (SEMed) countries, presenting their current emissions profiles and socio-economic situations, while examining their mitigation and adaptation priorities as well as the implementation of actions within the context of their global commitments towards reaching the objectives of the Paris Agreement. These 13 countries are: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, the State of Palestine, Tunisia and Turkey. Libya and Syria have not submitted (I)NDCs.
The SEMed countries have been actively involved in the adoption of the Agenda 2030 and welcome the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). At the same time, climate change is expected to have direct and indirect negative effects on several aspects of these countries, such as: agricultural productivity, including changing rainfall patterns, increasing frequency and severity of hydrometeorological hazards such as drought, storms and floods among others. In the SEMed region, climate change could certainly threaten the ability to secure food production, decrease (or even erase) poverty and achieve sustainable development.
This report applies the joint approach of the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) to categorize the measures and priorities communicated by the countries in sectoral dashboards. These dashboards represent the main output of this report, as they present the sectoral priorities as well as the countries of the region that have set the same priorities. In other words, the dashboards function as a repository of the countries’’ priorities per sector inmitigation and adaptation. The information provided in these dashboards can be easily utilized by different stakeholders (i.e.: UfM, member countries, donors, etc.) to identify actions in the region and potential joint approaches.
Following the results provided in the dashboards, the report includes four cases to provide concrete examples of how the identified prioritized measures could be used in order to pursuing a forwards looking dialogue on action to tackle climate change in the Mediterranean region and in the context of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. These cases, however, should be seen only as examples on how to proceed with the repository of sectoral measures. The design and development of projects and programs requires not only meticulous planning and analysis of information beyond the information included in the NDCs, but also and foremost the participation of the countries concerned in the case.