MedECC Coordinating Lead Authors meeting

The MedECC’s present work focuses on three special reports related to specific challenges identified in the First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1), to be published in 2023:

  1. Special Report on coastal risks,
  2. Special Report on climate – water – energy – food – ecosystems nexus,
  3. Special Report on environmental change, conflicts, and human migration.

In order to progress in their preparation the Coordinating Lead Authors’ meeting was held on 9-10 June 2022 in Barcelona. The meeting was hosted by the University of Barcelona, Faculty of Physics.

The MedECC Coordinators and Secretariat, the Report Coordinators and the Coordinating Lead Authors (CLAs) gathered from all around the Mediterranean for this first in person meeting since two years !

The workshop was dedicated to the work in groups and plenary sessions in order to make an efficient progress of each report, identify key messages, potential overlaps among the reports, cross-cutting issues among chapters within each report and knowledge gaps.

The agenda of the meeting is available here.

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