Plan Bleu published the Report State of the Environment and Development in the Mediterranean 2020 (SoED 2020). The SoED provides a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of environment and development interactions in the Mediterranean region. The 2020 version consists of eight thematic chapters and is complemented by the Summary for Decision Makers and Key Messages. Topics covered include: socio-economic drivers and trends, climate change, biodiversity and ecosystem services, economic activities and related pressures, coastal dynamics and related impacts; food and water security, health and environment, and governance.
The MedECC is honored to have contributed to SoED by co-coordinating the “Climate change” chapter.
At the request of the 21 countries bordering the Mediterranean and the European Union, the SoED was prepared by Plan Bleu in the framework of the United Nations Environment Programme -Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) – Barcelona Convention system. Mediterranean countries and stakeholders have demonstrated a need and interest for up-to-date information and analysis on the environment and development, including maps, graphs and data, and linked recent policies.
In the Mediterranean region, no reports of this type have been produced in the last decade. The aim of the SoED 2020 is to fill this gap and increase awareness and understanding of the state of the Mediterranean, underlying driving forces and impacts, as well as to propose potential responses, while facilitating the measurement of progress towards sustainable development. The SoED also provides an up-to-date basis for improving the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2025 (MSSD). Another objective of this report is to demonstrate the ability to monitor and analyze the state of the environment, the impact of human activities on the environment and the potential impact of environmental degradation on human well-being and activities.
Go to the report’s website (fill report in English and French, Summary for Decision Makers, Key Messages, Infographics)