Arnault GRAVES
Arnault Graves is Director for Climate Action at the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean. He holds a degree in Environment and Public Works Engineering from the “École Nationale des Travaux Publics de l´Etat” (France). He has an extended experience in several climate policies. Between 2012 and 2017, he was head of unit at the French National Center CEREMA, after holding the position of deputy chief at the Regional Economic Service of the French Embassy in Moscow. Previously he had worked as project director for the private sector, and as senior officer in the public administration, in France and abroad.

Julien Le Tellier is a geographer. He has joined the UNEP/MAP – Barcelona Convention Secretariat in Athens, Greece, in 2017, as Programme Management Officer in charge of Socio-Economic Affairs. Supporting the work of the Mediterranean Commission on Sustainable Development (MCSD), this position follows his long engagement with Plan Bleu Regional Activity Centre (UNEP/MAP) in Marseille, France, where he worked for 8 years. He holds a PhD (2006) from Aix-Marseille University, France, and a post-PhD (2007) carried out in Rabat, Morocco, in Geography and Urban Planning.

Director at the Advisory Council for Sustainable Development of Catalonia (CADS) and chair of the European network of advisory councils on the environment and sustainable development (EEAC). On behalf of the EEAC he was an observe member of the European Commission high-level multi-stakeholder platform for the implementation of the SDGs in the EU. Member of the Steering Committee of MedECC and the Assembly of the European Regions Task force on SDGs. He holds a degree in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and a masters degree in Public Management. He has been working on the interface Science-Policy-Society since 2001, when he joined the staff of CADS.

Grazia Maria Vagliasindi is Associate Professor of Criminal law at the University of Catania (Italy), Department of Law. She graduated cum laude in Law and she holds a Master in Italian and European Environmental Law as well as a PhD in Italian and Comparative Criminal Law. Her research and teaching experience encompasses criminal law and environmental law, also in a comparative and EU perspective. She is author of numerous publications and reports on the protection of the environment through criminal law. http://www.lex.unict.it/docenti/grazia.maria.vagliasindi#

Carlos Borrego is Emeritus Full Professor of Environmental Engineering, at the Department of Environment and Planning (DAO), University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal. He was Minister for Environment and Natural Resources, Vice-Rector for Research and Cooperation with the Society, Director of DAO and founding Director of the Institute for Environment and Planning (IDAD), the interface unit of UA for Cooperation with the Society, providing R&I and services to organizations on air pollution, impact assessment and environmental monitoring and sustainable development, towards the circular economy with a systemic view, in line with the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals. www.cesam.ua.pt/cborrego, Ciencia ID: 3C19-B0FB-EC15

Filippo GIORGI
Filippo Giorgi is the Head of the Earth System Physics (ESP) section of the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, since 1998. From 1986 to 1998 he was a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado. He is an expert in climate modeling (focus on regional scales), climate change and impacts and authored over 350 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. From 2002 to 2008 he was a vice chair of WGI of the IPCC, which won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, and in 2018 he was awarded the EGU Alexander von Humboldt medal.

Ana Iglesias is a Professor of Environmental Economics and Policy at the UPM. She is also a member of the Center for Agricultural and Environmental Risks of the UPM. Her research focuses on the interactions between global change, agriculture, and natural resources. She currently leads several EU projects related to environmental policy. Her work has been published in over two hundred papers and she has been contributing author to the IPCC since 1995. Since 2016 is a Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency (EEA).

Prof. Sihem Jebari, original background is Agricultural Engineering. She has been working as a researcher at INRGREF (Tunisian National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water and Forestry) since 1999. Her research work is focused on semiarid and arid areas. It involves water erosion modeling, climate change impacts on water availability, agricultural environment degradation, reservoir siltation and transboundary water management. INRGREF website: http://www.inrgref.agrinet.tn/an/. Relevant websits to link to a work being conducted: https://faster-h2020.eu/

Ezzeddine MAHMOUDI
Ezzeddine Mahmoudi is a Professor in Ecology and Biology at University of Carthage (Sciences Faculty of Bizerte, Tunisia). He is doing research in Meiofauna Taxonomy and Ecology, Ecology and Ecotoxicology. He is a founding member of the Tunisian – French International Joint Laboratory (LMI COSYS-MED: Contaminants and Ecosystems of South Mediterranean Sea). His research program investigates topics at the impacts of contaminants on biodiversity, reproduction, biochemistry of benthic animals (Meiofauna and/or molluscs). https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=6p0yYIUAAAAJ, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ezzeddine_Mahmoudi

Marco Moriondo is senior researcher of the Institute of BioEconomy of the Italian National Research Council (CNR-IBE). His activity focuses mainly on the assessment of the impacts of climate change on agroecosystems and natural ecosystems in terms of productivity and suitability to future climate conditions

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), France
His main interest concerns the ecology of microorganisms in aquatic systems. He conducts projects aiming at understanding the interactions between microorganisms and their habitats in both natural and anthropogenically impacted systems. He is particularly interested in the coupling between autotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms and how this coupling can be affected by organic and inorganic contaminants and the consequences of this contamination on coastal carbon cycling. https://www.ird.fr/, https://www.mio.osupytheas.fr/fr/olivier-pringault

Dr. Gil Rilov, Senior Scientist, Marine Community Ecology Lab, Marine Biology Department, National Institute of Oceanography, Israeli Limnological and Oceanographic Research (IOLR), Haifa, Israel. Senior lecturer, marine biology department at the Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa. Marine ecologist and conservation biologist. His lab runs the national monitoring program on Mediterranean rocky shores, and investigates the ecology and biodiversity of coastal communities, and the effects of bioinvasions, climate change and marine protected areas their biodiversity and ecosystem functions. Lab website: www.rilovlab.com

Samuel SOMOT
Samuel Somot is senior researcher at CNRM (Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, Météo-France, CNRS, Université de Toulouse, France). Since his PhD in 2005, his main fields of interest are the physical understanding of the Mediterranean climate and Mediterranean Sea from the past to the future, the regional ocean and climate models, the Mediterranean open-sea deep convection, heat and water budgets and heavy precipitation events. Since its start in 2009, Samuel Somot also co-coordinates the international Med-CORDEX multi-model initiative. He is contributing author of the IPCC-AR4 and IPCC-AR6. More information: https://www.umr-cnrm.fr/spip.php?article437, www.medcordex.eu

Athanassios TSIKLIRAS
Laboratory of Ichthyology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Studied environmental biology (Bsc), oceanography (MSc) and fisheries (PhD) and worked in research (1999-2006) and academia (since 2007). His current research is focused on fish biology and fisheries, fish population dynamics, stock assessment and management of Mediterranean stocks, the effect of climate on marine populations and ecosystem modelling. Author of over 85 peer-reviewed journal articles, 2 books, 12 book chapters and 160 other items. http://fishlab.bio.auth.gr/athanasios-tsikliras/

Monsterrat Vilà
Montserrat Vilà is Research Professor of the Spanish National Research Council at Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC) since 2012. Her main field of expertise is the biology of invasive species. Major research focus are the ecological factors that determine the success of introduced species, the analysis of macroecological patterns of invasion at the national, regional and European scale, and the quantification of the impacts of biological invasions on biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being. She is president of the European Working Group on Biological Invasions (NEOBIOTA). http://www.montsevila.org, https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=HTWItgUAAAAJ&hl=es

Georgios ZITTIS
George Zittis is an Associate Research Scientist working for the Climate & Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) of the Cyprus Institute (CyI). In the past, he has worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz and the Energy, Environment & Water Research Center of CyI. He is/was involved in several national and EU-funded research projects. His main research interests include climate change and impacts, regional climate modelling, extreme events, land-atmosphere interactions, climate change education and communication. https://www.cyi.ac.cy/index.php/care-c/about-the-center/care-c-our-people/author/76-george-zittis.html, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/George_Zittis

Selmin BURAK
ORCID 0000-0003-0780-0687
Istanbul University-Institute of Marine Sciences and Management (IU-IMSM)
Prof. Dr. Selmin Burak has been working as an environmental engineer since more than 30 years. She has an MSc. of Meteorology Engineering and Ph.D. of Environmental Engineering from the Technical University of Istanbul (ITU). She has been involved in the identification and formulation of water management projects and climate change adaptation at national and international institutions such UN agencies, World Bank, EC. As an academician, she has conducted several MSc. and Ph.D. thesis at Istanbul University/Institute of Marine Sciences and Management (IU/IMSM). https://avesis.istanbul.edu.tr/sburak, https://denizbilimleri.istanbul.edu.tr/tr/_

Hamouda Dakhlaoui has obtained in 2014 a PhD in Hydraulic Engineering from the National Engineering School of Tunis (Tunisia). He was a Postdoc follower at Hydrosciences Montpellier (France) in 2015, and at University of Zurich (Switzerland) in 2017. He currently works as assistant professor at University of Carthage and researcher at University Tunis El Manar (Tunisia). He does research in Climatology, Hydrology and Environmental Science. His current project is assessing the impacts of climate change on water resources and flood forecasting. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5271-4350

Dr. Aristeidis (Aris) Koutroulis is a Senior Research Engineer at the Technical University of Crete, Greece. He has more than 15 years of experience in applied research in the areas of hydrology, climate change impacts and hydro-meteorological extremes. He has been involved in several innovation projects in the field of Earth System Sciences. He is a contributing author for the Water Chapter – Working Group II of the IPCC AR6 and co-authored more than 150 publications in international journals, book chapters, conference proceedings and scientific reports. https://www.enveng.tuc.gr/en/personnel/scientific-staff/dr-aristeidis-koutroulis, https://hydrogaia.gr/

Manfred A. LANGE
Manfred A. Lange, former Director of the Arctic Center in Rovaniemi, Finland (1992-1995) and Professor of Geophysics at the University of Münster in Germany (1995-2007), was the founding Director of the Energy, Environment and Water Research Center at the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia, Cyprus (www.cyi.ac.cy; 2007-2015). Currently, he is the Director of the Future Earth MENA Regional Center and serves on the Steering Committee of MedECC. His research includes the assessment of climate change impacts with a focus on water- and energy security, renewable energy sources and energy- and water use efficiency in the built environment.

Maria Carmen LLASAT
María Carmen Llasat is Full Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Barcelona (Spain). Her research and activity are focused on climate change, natural hazards and water resources in the Mediterranean Region. She was president of the Natural Hazards Section of the European Geophysical Society, editor-in-chief of the journal NHESS and coordinator of the research groups on societal impacts of the projects MEDEX and HYMEX. She is member of the Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change, steering committee and collaborator of the State Research Agency of Spain.

D. Pulido-Velazquez (IGME, Spain) research has focused on the development of methodologies and tools for integrated analysis of management alternatives in water scarcity systems within the Mediterranean area, with special emphasis on the study of impacts and adaptation strategies to global change. He intends to integrate the available information to define conceptual and mathematical approximations in order to improve system knowledge and to evaluate future management alternatives. ResearcherID: D-7412-2013: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-7412-2013, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7985-0769

Alberto Sanz Cobeña is Associate Professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain (UPM) and researcher at Center for Studies and Research for the Management of Agricultural and Environmental Risks (CEIGRAM) working on the assessment of agro-food systems´ sustainability, with a special focus on greenhouse gas emissions and disruption of the Nitrogen cycle in the Mediterranean basin.

Dr. Nuno Caiola is a researcher at the Climate Change department of the Technology Centre of Catalonia, EURECAT (Spain). Previously, he was a researcher at the Institute for Agrifood Research and Technology, IRTA (Catalonia, Spain). He is an aquatic ecologist and his main research interests are the effects of climate change on environmental flows (water and sediments), biological indicators, invasive species, wetland restoration and coastal fisheries. In the last 5 years he published 30 papers and book chapters, coordinated 12 research projects and supervised 4 PhD theses.

Dr. Mouad Chentouf is graduated in animal production engineering and has a PhD in veterinary sciences. He is Director of Research and Head of the Regional Centre Tangier at the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INRA) of Morocco. His research focus on animal production systems analysis and local animal genetic resources. He has numerous scientific publications on these topics and has coordinated several international research projects. He is also invited professor of animal production and serves as an expert in several scientific committees.

Maria Carmen LLASAT
María Carmen Llasat is Full Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Barcelona (Spain). Her research and activity are focused on climate change, natural hazards and water resources in the Mediterranean Region. She was president of the Natural Hazards Section of the European Geophysical Society, editor-in-chief of the journal NHESS and coordinator of the research groups on societal impacts of the projects MEDEX and HYMEX. She is member of the Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change, steering committee and collaborator of the State Research Agency of Spain.

Assem Abdelmonem Ahmed MOHAMED
Dr. Assem Abdelmonem Ahmed Mohamed is an economic analyst with good experience in socio- economic studies, climate change studies, agricultural policy, agro-biodiversity, ecosystem services, Sensitivity and climate change impact chains analysis in agricultural sector and Costs and benefits of climate change mitigation and adaptation. Occupation or Position Held: Senior Researcher; Affiliation: Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate (CLAC); Education: B. SC in Agricultural Economics, 2002, Master in Agricultural Economics, 2008., Ph.D. In Agricultural Economics, 2012.

Trained as an Economist in Italy and in the US, Dr. Fabio Santeramo is currently serving as Professor at the University of Foggia (Italy). He has published in top field journals on topics related to Agricultural Economics, Development economics, and Environmental Economics. Member of the IATRC, he is the founder of the Summer Schools on “Econometrics in Agricultural Sciences” (since 2018), and co-organizer of the Summer on “Risk Management in Agriculture” (since 2017). He is currently Editor in Chief for Bio-Based Applied Economics, and for Agriculture & Food Security. http://www.fabiosanteramo.net/, https://econometricsinagriculture.wordpress.com/

Alberto Sanz Cobeña is Associate Professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain (UPM) and researcher at Center for Studies and Research for the Management of Agricultural and Environmental Risks (CEIGRAM) working on the assessment of agro-food systems´ sustainability, with a special focus on greenhouse gas emissions and disruption of the Nitrogen cycle in the Mediterranean basin.

Andrea Toreti is a senior scientist at the European Commission Joint Research Centre in Ispra. He graduated in Mathematics at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ and obtained a PhD in Climate Sciences at the University of Bern. His main research interests focus on: climate change, variability and extremes and their impacts on agriculture; climate change adaptation; statistical climatology. In 2011, He got the MedCLIVAR award for his work on climate extremes in the Mediterranean region. He is author/co-author of more than 60 papers and member of the editorial board of the Nature’s journal Scientific Reports. https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/person/andrea-toreti

Athanassios TSIKLIRAS
Laboratory of Ichthyology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Studied environmental biology (Bsc), oceanography (MSc) and fisheries (PhD) and worked in research (1999-2006) and academia (since 2007). His current research is focused on fish biology and fisheries, fish population dynamics, stock assessment and management of Mediterranean stocks, the effect of climate on marine populations and ecosystem modelling. Author of over 85 peer-reviewed journal articles, 2 books, 12 book chapters and 160 other items. http://fishlab.bio.auth.gr/athanasios-tsikliras/

General Director of OME since 2013, Dr. Ben Jannet graduated in energy economics from Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP), & University of Paris 2, holds a PhD from Ecole des Mines. She joined OME in 1992, successfully expanding a wide angle on energy development and perspectives in the Mediterranean region. She also heads the Secretariat of the UfM Gas Platform. In academic field, she served as inviting Lecturer at Ecole des Mines de Paris, Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), University of Versailles, Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires & Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris. www.ome.org

Vincent Bouchet is a PhD student in Management and Economics at Ecole polytechnique (France). In partnership with the Caisse des Dépôts Group, his research focuses on the impact of climate change and the energy transition on financial activities, and in particular on risk management. He is a member of the chair “Energy and Prosperity”. http://www.chair-energy-prosperity.org/en/category/research-fellows-1/vincent-bouchet-en/

Eduard CIVEL
Edouard Civel is a postdoctoral researcher in environmental economics at École Polytechnique and associate researcher at the Climate Economics Chair in Paris, France. His research works focus on energy efficiency, urban transports and low-carbon innovation, using both empirical and experimental methods. He holds a chemical engineer degree from ESPCI Paris, a Master of Research in environmental economics from Paris-Dauphine University and a PhD in economics from Paris-Nanterre University. https://www.chaireeconomieduclimat.org/

Anna Creti is Full Professor at Université Paris Dauphine, Paris; Director of the Climate Economics Chair (Un. Dauphine)and the Economics of Gas Chair (U Dauphine, Toulouse School of Economics, IFPEN, Ecole des Mines). She is Research Fellow, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris and external Affiliate, Siebel Institute, Berkeley. Anna holds a PhD from the Toulouse School of Economics and a post-doc from the London School of Economics. She has extensively studied competition and regulation of network utilities (telecommunications, baks, gas, electricity…), as well as the link between energy, climate and environmental regulation. Co-editor of the journal Energy Economics, Anna has numerous publications in top economic reviews and she also intervenes in several medias.

Neven DUIC
Prof. dr. sc. Neven Duić is a full professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia, with main areas of interests being energy policy and planning, energy economics, sustainable development policy and resource planning, climate change mitigation, combustion engineering and modelling. He has published over 195 research papers in journals (of which 146 in journals referred in SCI) and gave more than 171 invited and keynote lectures. He has organised several of the series of conferences on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (https://www.cologne2020.sdewes.org/) and was a member of organising, scientific and programming committees of more than 71 research conferences. He is Editor of Energy Conversion and Management, Subject Editor for energy planning in Energy and Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. Full CV: http://powerlab.fsb.hr/neven/

Dr. Nestor Fylaktos is an Associate Research Scientist at the Cyprus Institute. He holds a PhD from Imperial College London on mathematical modelling of socio-economic impacts of renewable energy in isolated communities. His research interests extend to the decarbonisation of the economy, the technical and economic aspects of new energy systems, and energy futures and modelling of the Mediterranean and EU regions. https://www.cyi.ac.cy/index.php/eewrc/eewrc-research-projects/energy.html

Prof Joseph Mutale has 39 years of experience in the electric utility industry and academia. He has been an academic at the University of Manchester since 2002 with research interests in sustainable energy systems and smart grids. He cofounded the IEEE Working Group on Sustainable Energy Systems for Developing Communities (2009) and the Zambia Renewable Energy Association (2013). He has published over seventy academic papers. Prof Mutale is a Chartered Engineer, a Fellow of the Engineering Council of the UK, a Fellow of the Engineering Institution of Zambia as well as Senior Member of the IEEE. https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/j.mutale.html, https://www.manchester.ac.uk/

Dr Silvia Pariente-David is a senior advisor and consultant on energy and climate change issues to several international organizations, governments, think-tanks and energy companies. Previously, she was a Senior Energy Specialist at the World Bank, where she led the team arranging the financing of the Ouarzazate solar power plant in Morocco. Much of her work focuses on optimization of renewable energy integration into the power systems and on regional energy market integration, in particular in the Mediterranean.

Joe Ravetz is Leader on Future-Proof Cities for the Manchester Urban Institute. He has worked on sustainable cities, climate / environmental policy, economic development and urban foresight / systems analysis as Co-Director of the Centre for Urban Resilience. From this came the Synergistics methods for ‘collective urban intelligence’ and mapping for transformation pathways. He is author of ‘City-Region 2020’, ‘Environment and City’, and the new Deeper-City-Collective-Intelligence-and-the-Pathways-from-Smart-to-Wise. He has advised policy (UNIDO, UN-Habitat, DG Regio, EU Parliament, UK government agencies), and is a Principal of SAMI Consulting.
New book: Deeper-City-Collective-Intelligence-and-the-Pathways-from-Smart-to-Wise, General site: www.manchester.ac.uk/synergistics/, Events program: www.manchester.ac.uk/synergistics/conversations/ , Personal site: www.urban3.net

Constantinos TALIOTIS
Constantinos Taliotis is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Cyprus Institute. He is an experienced energy systems modeller. He has assisted in the development of the first open-access Africa-wide bottom-up model with national technology detail and has been providing model-based support to national energy planners in Cyprus. He holds a PhD in Energy and Environmental Systems and an MSc in Sustainable Technology from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden.

Robert Vautard is a senior CNRS climate scientist. He devoted his research to understanding regional climates and how climate change impacts weather and energy systems. He is coordinating lead author of the IPCC AR6 report, and the author of more than 220 publications. He is also interested in the development of climate services in order to transfer academic knowledge for adaptation and mitigation of climate change. He is head of the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace on climate sciences in Paris.

Najet Aroua is architect-urban planner, professor associate at the Polytechnic School of Architecture and Urbanism of Algiers and research associate at the Laboratory of Architecture, Urbanism and Environmental Design at the Department of Architecture of the University of Biskra (Algeria). She specializes in Cities, Water and Climate change. She is a member of various national and international expert groups and active civil associations working in Cities, Climate change, Water and Environment, Public health, Geohistory and Cultural heritage. She has a teaching, consulting and research experience in addition to number oral presentations, public conferences, papers and book chapters on the same.

Virginie BALDY
Virginie Baldy is a Professor at Aix-Marseille University and conducts her research at the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Marine and Continental Ecology (CNRS/AMU/IRD/University of Avignon), of which she is the delegated director. Her current work focuses on the relationship between biodiversity and functioning in Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems subject to climate change. In particular, she is working on the recycling of organic matter of plant origin and the factors that influence it, especially plant biodiversity and that of soil organisms. Virginie Baldy is notably co-responsible for the BioDivMex programme which addresses issues related to the Mediterranean region’s biodiversity, its specificities and its vulnerability to recent changes. The program also aims to create a network of researchers to promote interdisciplinary research in the Mediterranean region, including North-South collaborations. https://www.imbe.fr/virginie-baldy.html, http://biodivmex.imbe.fr/spip.php?article6, https://masters.osupytheas.fr/finalite/bioeffect, http://pk.emu.ee/en/structure/soilscience/intasek/

Prof. Magda BOU DAGHER KHARRAT, is a Plant Geneticist working on biodiversity conservation. She is head of laboratory Biodiversity and Functional Genomics at the Faculty of Science in Saint-Joseph University of Beirut. She is the co-founder and President of “Jouzour Loubnan”, an NGO dealing with forest ecosystem restoration.
http://www.lebanon-flora.org; http://www.jouzourloubnan.org

Cristina Branquinho is Professor of Ecology at Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon and a researcher at the Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes in Portugal. Her research focuses on understanding the ecological patterns, at ecosystem level, in response to different environmental changes, by i) evaluating and modelling the structure and functioning of biodiversity; ii) developing, testing and tracking ecological indicators at different spatial-temporal scales; iii) restoring ecosystem structure and functioning and associated ecosystem services. https://ce3c.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/member/cristinabranquinho, https://echanges.fc.ul.pt/

Laboratoire Des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE, France).
Specialist in geochemical tracers modelling, in the global ocean and the Mediterranean Sea; has participated to past, modern and future climate modelling studies in the Mediterranean Sea. He is the Coordinator of the “pollution and Contaminants” action of the MISTRALS program.

Senior Researcher and Professor of Marine Microbiology and Blue Biotechnology
INSTM- LR16INSTM05 (http://www.instm.tn); CIESM – Chairwoman of Marine Microbiology and Biotechnology Committee C4 (www.ciesm.org); Coordinator of more than 40 projects on health bio-monitoring bioprocessing and aquatic biotechnology since 1995. Author of more than 200 international or indexed publications.

Frédéric Médail is a full Professor of plant ecology and biogeography at the Aix-Marseille University / Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE) (France). His main topics of research are the biogeography and conservation of plant biodiversity at several geographical scales, from conservation genetics to macroecology, within the Mediterranean Biogeographic Region. His current researches are focused on the biogeographic process linked to the origin and evolution of the Mediterranean flora, and their implications towards a conservation biogeography framework. He is author of 256 publications including 3 textbooks. https://www.imbe.fr/frederic-medail.html

Meryem Mojtahid is associate professor at University of Angers in France, within the LPG-BIAF (Resent and Fossil Bio-Indicators) CNRS 6112 research unit and the geology department. Her research aims at tracking the natural variability of climate beyond the industrial era using planktonic and benthic micro-organisms (foraminifera) fossilized in marine sediment cores from various oceanic basins (North Atlantic, Mediterranean, Pacific).

Dr. Alejandra Morán Ordóñez is a quantitative landscape ecologist researching how natural and anthropogenic factors influence landscape patterns, species distributions and ecosystem services in space and time. Currently, she is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Forest Science Research Centre of Catalonia in Spain (www.ctfc.cat), where she studies the biodiversity and ecosystem services of Mediterranean forests to predict how they will be affected by the multiple drivers of global change in the future. https://alemoranordonez.wordpress.com/, http://www.ctfc.cat/

Pier Paolo Roggero, Department of Agricultural Sciences and Desertification Research Centre, University of Sassari, Italy
Full professor of Agronomy and crop science at the University of Sassari (2006-present) and at the Polytechnic University of Marche (2000-06). Director of NRD- Desertification Research Centre (2008-14; 2016-present); Editor in chief (2019-present) of the Italian Journal of Agronomy, Secretary General of Desertnet International (2017-20, President of the Italian Society of Agronomy (2008-11).

Sergio Rossi is a research scientist specializing in marine natural resources and biological oceanography. He is Associate Professor at the DiSTeBA, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche ed Ambientali in the Università del Salento, and Visiting Professor at the Universidade Federal do Cearà. His lines of research are related with Marine Biodiversity and Global Change, in particular focusing during the last year in climate change impacts on benthic communities, Blue Carbon and restoration.https://www.unisalento.it/scheda-utente/-/people/sergio.rossi, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZN-HMV-FaU&t=1571s

Schatz Bertrand, Senior researcher CNRS, Lead Author à l’IPBES (Assessment Europe-Central Asia), IUCN expert for Mediterranean flora, Member of National Council for the Protection of Nature for the French Ministry of the Environment, Member of scientific councils of several Mediterranean protected areas and of the National Botanical Conservatory of Corsica, Director of the research group on pollination and pollinators (GDR Pollineco) Papers available at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Bertrand_Schatz/contributions/?ev=prf_act

Ioannis N. Vogiatzakis is a Professor of Environmental Conservation, at the Faculty of Pure & Applied Sciences, Open University of Cyprus. His has developed research and teaching activities in the UK, Greece, Italy and Cyprus. His research interests include environmental change in Mediterranean islands and mountains, predictive vegetation and species mapping, landscape based approaches to nature conservation delivery, and the effects of landscape structure and habitat quality on biodiversity.

George Zaimes is the Deputy Director of the UNESCO Chair Con-E-Ect, the Director of GERi Lab of the Department of Forest and Natural Environment Sciences, International Hellenic University, Greece. His main research interests are integrated watershed management with an emphasis on riparian ecosystems and climate change impacts. Ecosystem-based approaches and nature-based solutions are main methods he focuses for sustainable water management. http://unescochair.teiemt.gr/#gkBottom1-7, http://www.for.ihu.gr/index.php/en/2018-09-17-13-23-57

Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA) Professor at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain
Prof. Dr. Patrizia Ziveri is an ICREA Research Professor at the ICTA-UAB. Her work centers on pressing threats to the marine environment at various time scales and complexity from multidisciplinary investigation of marine calcifying organisms at the base of the food web to the dispersion and impact of marine litter and marine microplastics. She started to work on marine global change during her PhD dissertation and postdoc at the Univ. of Padua (Italy)/Univ. of South Carolina (USA), focusing on the Eastern Pacific margin. She moved to the Vrije Univ. Amsterdam, NL, and finally to the ICTA-UAB where she coordinates the Marine and Environmental Biogeosciences Research Group and was the Scientific Director of the ICTA-UAB Center of Excellence from 2016 to 2020. https://www.icrea.cat/Web/ScientificStaff/patrizia-ziveri-584

Dr. Antonietta Elia, Former Candidate to the Italian Seat of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (2019); Senior Associate Fellow in Law, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain, 2014-); Visiting Professor of International Law and Human Rights, Interamerican Academy of Human Rights, Saltillo (Mexico, 2020-); External Associate Legal Expert European Asylum Support Office (EASO, 2020-); Council of Europe Selected Legal Expert for European Human Rights Standards Implementation Projects in Armenia, Turkey, and Moldova (2018-); UNAIDS Expert Practitioner on Human Rights and HIV (2018-); Visiting Professor of International Law and Human Rights, China Youth of Political Studies, Beijing (China, 2016-2017). Specialized in International Law, Comparative Constitutional Law and EU Law, her academic and professional interests include the relationships between human rights and environment.

Dr Manolis Grillakis is currently a post-doctoral research scientist at the Institute of Mediterranean Studies (Institute of Technology & Research – Hellas), with a specific interest in modeling hydrological processes and their interactions under a changing climate. From 2009 to 2018 he was a research fellow at Technical University of Crete. He has participated in 14 European and national research projects and has 37 publications in international peer-reviewed journals. https://ims.forth.gr/en/profile/view?id=127, https://www.hydrogaia.gr/

Dr Nathalie Hilmi is an expert in Macroeconomics and International Finance. In 2010, she joined the Centre Scientifique de Monaco as head of the section « environmental economics » and collaborated with IAEA’s Environment Laboratories to initiate correlation studies between environmental sciences and economics to better evaluate the socioeconomic extent of impacts and costs of action versus inaction with regard to carbon emissions. She works on Sustainable development in a multidisciplinary spirit. She is lead author for IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) and next IPCC main report AR6 WGII. https://www.centrescientifique.mc/fr/equipe/biologie-marine-fr/economie-environnementale

PhD in Preventive Medicine and Public Health. Her line of research focuses on the impacts of various environmental factors on health, mainly air and noise pollution and thermal extremes. 100 publications on issues related to Environment and Health (JCR). Nowadays, she is senior researcher at the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the National School of Public Health (Carlos III Institute of Health). In her recent career she has been selected as Lead Author for the VI Evaluation Report of the IPCC in the WPII: Adaptation and Vulnerability.

Dr Maya Negev is a senior lecturer in the School of Public Health, University of Haifa. Her research focuses on the science-policy interface of environmental health, with a particular interest in climate change. She studies public health adaptation to climate change across governance levels and across sectors, through mixed methods and interdisciplinary research. https://hw.haifa.ac.il/en/people/sph/mnegev

Gerardo Sanchez is a Senior Adviser in Public Health at the UNEP-DTU Partnership in Copenhagen. His work focuses on the health impacts of climate variability and change, health systems adaptation and climate-resilient development globally. Prior to joining UNEP-DTU, he worked for the World Health Organization, the Kobe Centre for Health and Development, and the World Bank, and has been stationed in Germany, Peru, Japan and the USA. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of the Basque Country (Spain), a Master in Public Health from Boston University (USA), and an MSc in Environmental Risk Assessment from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain).https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gerardo_Sanchez_Martinez, https://orbit.dtu.dk/en/persons/gerardo-sanchez-martinez

Dr. Mohamed Behnassi is a full professor at Ibn Zohr University of Agadir and Director, Center for Environment, Human Security and Governance. His areas of expertise include international law and politics of environment, climate change and human security. He has published so far 15 books and 40 scientific papers, and made more than 50 oral presentations in international conferences. He served as expert for the IPBES, MedECC, and CNRST/Morocco, organized several international scientific meetings, and managed many research and expertise projects. Behnassi is also an independent CSR Senior Auditor.Links: https://www.ceres-center.org, https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9MyQWRMAAAAJ&hl=en

Antonietta ELIA
Dr. Antonietta Elia, Former Candidate to the Italian Seat of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (2019); Senior Associate Fellow in Law, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain, 2014-); Visiting Professor of International Law and Human Rights, Interamerican Academy of Human Rights, Saltillo (Mexico, 2020-); External Associate Legal Expert European Asylum Support Office (EASO, 2020-); Council of Europe Selected Legal Expert for European Human Rights Standards Implementation Projects in Armenia, Turkey, and Moldova (2018-); UNAIDS Expert Practitioner on Human Rights and HIV (2018-); Visiting Professor of International Law and Human Rights, China Youth of Political Studies, Beijing (China, 2016-2017). Specialized in International Law, Comparative Constitutional Law and EU Law, her academic and professional interests include the relationships between human rights and environment

Ethemcan Turhan is assistant professor of environmental planning at the University of Groningen. He was a researcher at KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory between 2016 and 2020. Dr. Turhan received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and his B.Sc. in environmental engineering from Middle East Technical University. His research mainly focuses on the political ecology of energy transitions and climate change adaptation. He is from Ankara, Turkey. https://www.rug.nl/staff/e.turhan/

Lluís Brotons, CSIC at InForest JRU (CTFC-CREAF), (http://ecoland.cat/) (http://www.creaf.uab.es/)

Ralf Ludwig is Professor in Environmental Modeling at the Dept. of Geography at LMU, Munich, Germany. His research focusses on process-based hydrological modeling and data integration for water resources management and climate change impact assessment. He co-ordinated the FP7-project CLIMB, the CLIWASEC cluster on Climate Change, Water and Security in the Mediterranean, lead the WP-SCENARIOS in the FP7-project GLOBAQUA, and co-chairs the Program “Hydrological Cycle” of the European Climate Research Alliance (ECRA).

Assoc. Prof. Michelle Portman leads the MarCoast Ecosystem Integration Lab (https://portman.net.technion.ac.il/ ) at the Technion ̶ ̶ Israel Institute of Technology. Dr. Portman graduated UC Berkeley with a B.Sc., the Technion with a M.Sc. and a PhD from University of Massachusetts, Boston. She was a postdoctoral fellow in Marine Policy at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Her current research is on: integrated coastal zone management, marine spatial planning water sensitive planning and marine/coastal conservation. She authored Environmental Planning for Oceans and Coasts (Springer, 2016). https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319269696

Lena Reimann is a research scientist at the ‘Coastal Risks and Sea-Level Rise’ research group at Kiel University, Germany. Her research focuses on characterizing socioeconomic vulnerability in coastal locations under a range of scenarios, and assessing potential future impacts of sea-level rise on vulnerability. She further explores the potential effects of adaptation strategies on the spatial and temporal dynamics of vulnerability, in particular focusing on coastal areas of the Mediterranean region. https://www.crslr.uni-kiel.de/en/people/doctoral-researchers/lena-reimann.html

Elena Xoplaki is Senior Scientist, currently Acting Head of the Climatology, Climate Dynamics and Climate Change Research Group at Justus Liebig University Giessen. She is an expert on climate variability and change in the past, present and future with spatial focus on the greater Mediterranean region. She conducts multi- and interdisciplinary research and promotes collaboration between humanities, social and natural sciences on an international level. She is a Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences.