The MedECC infographic on Water and food in the Mediterranean is now available in Spanish: ‘Agua y Alimentos en el Mediterráneo’. This infographic is based on the Chapters 3.1 “Resources, Water” and Chapter 3.2 “Resources, Food” of the First Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR1) published in November 2020. It illustrates the risks associated to climate and environmental changes on the water resources and the agricultural sector.
Ya está disponible en español la infografía sobre ‘Agua y Alimentación en el Mediterráneo.’ Esta infografía se basa en los capítulos 3.1 “Recursos, agua” y 3.2 “Recursos, alimentos” del Primer Informe de Evaluación del Mediterráneo (MAR1) publicado en noviembre de 2020. Ilustra los riesgos asociados a los cambios climáticos y medioambientales sobre los recursos hídricos y el sector agrícola.

This new outcome was developed through an exchange with the Joves Agricultors i Ramaders de Catalunya (Spain) and made possible with the voluntary contribution of the MedECC members and authors, Robert Savé Monserrat (IRTA, UAB, Spain) and Arnau Queralt-Bassa (Advisory Council for the Sustainable Development of Catalonia, Spain), as well as the support of Plan Bleu (France).
All infographics developed by the MedECC can be found here.