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Scientific news
The scientific knowledge on climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean evolves rapidly. In this section we collect and present the recently published scientific articles, reports, books, policy papers and other contents on these issues. Do not hesitate to contact us and share with us the publications of an interest to the community.

Scientific Publications
Graphical abstract Abstract Marine heat waves (MHW), considered as persistent and spatially extensive sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies, have emerged as one of the global change-induced high impact events on the oceans. The study of MHWs received significant progress in…...

Highlights This new study, published in the journal Science of the Total Environment, was lead by Dr. Assaf Hochman, a senior climatologist at the Institute of Earth Sciences at the Hebrew University (HU) of Jerusalem in collaboration with the Karlsruhe…...

Policy document
Restoring Mediterranean Wetlands is a new policymaker’s handbook for sustainable management and conservation of water by 2030. The guide is shaped as a playbook and is available to download for free here. In this handbook, experts in the field share…...

MedECC News, Report, Science-Policy Interface
We are pleased to make available the Summary for Policymakers of the MedECC First Mediterranean Assessment Report in Italian as part of our ongoing commitment to make the main findings of the report more accessible to the Mediterranean policymakers and other stakeholders…...

Policy document, MedECC News, Science-Policy Interface
On January 17, 2023, The Government of Catalonia (Spain) has approved the new Strategic Reference Framework for adaptation to climate change known as the Catalan Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change for the 2030 horizon (ESCACC30). This is the first…...

The General Fisheries Commission of the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) published the Report on the State of the Mediterranean and Black Fisheries (SoMFI 2022) based on the work of +500 scientits…...