Become a reviewer of 1st MedECC Assessment Report

We are pleased to invite you to become a reviewer of the 1st MedECC Assessment Report (MAR1) on current state and risks of climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean.

Presently, MedECC prepares its 1st assessment report which will be published at the beginning of 2020 (download the outline of the report).

We invite the researchers representing the full range of scientific, technical and socio-economic views and backgrounds linked with the Mediterranean to apply to become a reviewer. The review is open to PhD holders and other experts with a solid experience in the fields covered by the report.

The report counts about 500 pages. However, if you become a reviewer, you do not need to review to whole report, you may restrict your review to the parts for which you have the best expertise.

We plan to start the external review at the beginning of August 2019 and it will last until the end of September 2019.

All the reviewers will be acknowledged in the final report.

In order to apply to become an external reviewer of the MedECC report, please complete a very short application form (less than one page) until July 20, 2019 and send it to the MedECC Secretariat (

Download the MAR1 external reviewer application form

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