MedECC was invited to participate in the webinar “The impact of COP26 on the educational systems in the Mediterranean”, organised by the Subnetwork on “Climate and Environmental Change” of UNIMED on 20 December 2021.
The objective of this event is to encourage a fruitful exchange between representatives of the different categories of stakeholders and to foster a constructive discussion on crucial issues related to education and climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean region.
Dr Piero Lionello (University of Salento) introduced the MedECC during the session “Universities and research: their role in the Climate Action in the Mediterranean”. Piero is a MedECC Steering Committee Member, and was the Coordinating Lead Author of Chapter 2 “Drivers” of the MedECC First Mediterranean Assesssment Report.
More information and Agenda.

UNIMED, the Mediterranean Universities Union, is an association of Universities from the countries of the Mediterranean basin. Its Subnetwork “Climate and environmental change“ aims to connect the main actors involved in the topic, promote synergies, knowledge-exchange and partnerships among the involved Universities, support policy dialogue and strengthen consultation in the Mediterranean.