The MedECC is launching the preparation of the Second Mediterranean Assessment Report (MAR2). MAR2 aims to provide updated scientific knowledge and comprehensive understanding of climate and environmental challenges specific to the Mediterranean region.
Many Mediterranean governments and decision-makers have shown strong interest in MAR1 and the subsequent Special Reports, making MedECC a key reference in the science-policy interface in the Mediterranean.To support at best decision-making, MAR2 should reflect substantial progress in science and assess the state of actions related to climate and environmental changes since MAR1, identify knowledge gaps, inform areas that require additional research and data collection, and highlight the gaps in terms of actions to combat climate and environmental changes.
The Scoping Meeting, tentatively scheduled for April 2025, will be the first step in the preparation of the report. This meeting aims to set the foundation for the development of the report and draft the outline for MAR2. As part of this process, MedECC is launching the following initiatives:
Call for Experts
MedECC is inviting experts from the full range of scientific, technical, and socio-economic expertise and backgrounds with a broad understanding of environmental and climate change in the Mediterranean, to participate in the online Scoping Meeting and/or self-nominate as author for MAR2. To contribute, submit your self-nomination by 2 March 2025.
Pre-scoping Survey
The online online questionnaire is now open to collect insights and interests to help shape the focus of MAR2. Institutions, organisations, and individuals—including scientists, knowledge holders, practitioners, and local communities working on climate and environmental change in the Mediterranean—are encouraged to contribute. Please complete the survey by 2 March 2025.
The success of MAR2 depends on broad and diverse participation from scientific experts, policymakers, and stakeholders. Ensuring the widest possible participation is crucail to maintain scientific rigor, credibility, and political relevance in the final assessment. This presents a valuable opportunity for experts and scientists to contribute meaningfully to the Mediterranean science-policy dialogue.