MedECC at the conference “Climate Change and Security in the Mediterranean” (New-Med/OSCE/UfM)

The international conference “Climate Change and Security in the Mediterranean: Exploring the Nexus, Unpacking International Policy Responses” was organised in the framework of the New-Med Research Network in Barcelona on 17 December 2021. The conference provided the occasion to assess climate trajectories in the Mediterranean and discuss present and future policy options to help mitigate its adverse effects on states and societies in the area.

Prof. Dr Wolfgang Cramer, Research Director at CNRS Mediterranean Institute for Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE) in France and co-coordinator of the MedECC network, participated in the First Session “Mediterranean Security through a Climate Lens: Challenges & Prospects“. He presented an in-depth review of the current climate emergency in the Mediterranean, describing the crisis as it manifests itself today and then discussing a number of model predictions on the way it might unfold in the near future under different policy scenarios. He gave a clear picture of the climatic and non-climatic risks unfolding, and adaptation and resilience were emphasized as crucial to combating climate change.

The event was co-organised by New-Med, the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the OSCE Secretariat.

Find the proceedings of the conference on the IAI – website here (including the Program).

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