The Summit of the Two Shores (“Sommet de 2 Rives”) is an Initiative of the French Republic to strengthen ties between the two shores of the Mediterranean. It was held on 24 June 2019 in Marseille (France) and brought the 5 + 5 countries together (Portugal Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya). This Summit focused on environment, energy, youth, education, culture and economy. In this context the interview with one of the MedECC coordinators, Wolfgang Cramer has been published in a French regional journal “La Provence” on Sunday, 23 June 2019. In this interview W. Cramer presents general present trends of climate and environmental changes in the Mediterranean region and their impact on biodiversity and human health and security.
Increasing climate resilience of water and sanitation sector in the Mediterranean Region: Workshop under the Protocol on Water and Health
MedECC is pleased to have been invited to participate at the UNECE / WHO/Europe workshop focused on increasing climate resilience of water and sanitation sector in