FEMISE annual conference, Brussels, Belgium, 13-14 June 2019

Wolfgang Cramer (MedECC Coordinator; CNRS, France) attended the annual conference of FEMISE (Forum Euroméditerranéen des Instituts de Sciences Économiques) which was held from 13 to 14 June 2019 in Brussels, Belgium. The theme of the conference was “Sustainable development: drawing and impactful EU-Med roadmap”.

The objectives of this conference were threefold:

(1) To take stock of what the South-Med region has achieved in the past few years in terms of sustainable development;

(2) To highlight the main challenges they are still facing; and

(3) To propose a road-map on how to move forward towards achieving sustainable

The concept note is available by clicking here.

The conference agenda is available by clicking here.

All the participants bios are available by clicking here.

Go to the FEMISE website for more details

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