MedECC steering committee meeting, March 2017

The MedECC steering committee meeting was held on13-14 March 2017 in Barcelona, at the headquarters of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). On the first day MedECC was presented to the representatives of the member countries of the Union for the Mediterranean. During the internal MedECC steering committee meeting, issues like MedECC functioning and organization, thematic workshops and the first MedECC report have been discussed.

MedECC steering commitee meeting_AGENDA





Name Institution Country
Cramer, Wolfgang Labex OT-Med, IMBE Aix-en-Provence, France
Debaisieux Nicolas Union for the Mediterranean Barcelona, Spain
Fader, Marianela International Centre for Water Ressources and Global Change (UNESCO) Koblenz, Germany
Garrabou, Joachim Institute of Marine Sciences, CSIC Barcelona, Spain
Guiot, Joel Labex OT-Med, CEREGE Marseille, France
Lange, Manfred Cyprus Institute Nicosia, Cyprus
Le Tellier, Julien Plan Bleu Marseille, France
Lionello, Piero University of Salento Lecce, Italy
Llasat, Maria del Carmen University of Barcelona Barcelona, Spain
Marini, Katarzyna Labex OT-Med Marseille, France
Paz, Shlomit University of Haifa Haifa, Israel
Queralt Bassa, Arnau Advisory Council for the Sustainable Development of Catalonia (CADS) Barcelona, Spain
Radunsky, Klaus Austrian Federal Environment Agency Vienna, Austria
Snoussi, Maria University Mohammed V Rabat, Morocco
Toreti, Andrea European Commission Ispra, Italy
Turhan Ethemcan KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory Stockholm, Sweden (/Turkey)
Xoplaki, Elena Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany































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