In this newsletter, we are pleased to share with you the release of two of our Special Reports and the activities related to the participation of MedECC in various events!
We wish you a very happy holidays season!
Special Reports
The launch of our two new Special Reports
at the UNFCCC COP 29 in Baku
The two MedECC Special Reports Climate and Environmental Coastal Risks in the Mediterranean and Interlinking climate change with the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) nexus in the Mediterranean were presented at COP 29 during a press conference organised by the Union for the Mediterranean on 18 November. Two coordinators of the report,Piero Lionello and Mohamed Abdel Monem presented the main findings of the reports and provided the key information intended to support informed decision-making.
Special Report Climate Wefe Nexus: moving away from silo approaches
Our Climate Wefe Nexus Special Report, result of a great collaborative effort with more than 60 experts, explore the complex relationships between water, energy, food and exosystems in the context of environmental change in the Mediterranean with a nexus approach.
More than seven years after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda and its 17 SDGs, Mediterranean countries still face major sustainability challenges like water scarcity, food and energy insecurity and ecosystem degradation - all deeply interconnected.
Addressing these issues requires moving away from silo approaches, as we can no longer afford to tackle each problem in isolation when they are so intricately linked.
The full report and the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) are now available for all and we hope that those will be a great tool to all and especially for policymakers, as it is essential that they aim to enhance the resilience of WEFE systems.
Special Report Coastals Risks: building resilience in coastal communities
In our second new Special Report, we look closely on the Mediterranean coastal zone to assess how to build resilience in its communities regarding to the environmental and change hazards.
In the Mediterranean, 1/3 of the population lives close to the sea and the identified risks on the ecosystems as sea level rise or coastal erosion could lead to the move of 20 millions of people in the years to come.
Effective adaptation and mitigation solutions will especially require involving all the relevant stakeholders to ensure that solutions are tailored, to reduce inequalities to create inclusive and effective pathways, and economic and political stability alongside locally-adapted, circular and resilient development models.
The SPM is already online and the full report will be available on the beginning of 2025.
MedECC across the Mediterranean
The MedECC experts have been actively contributing to discussions and events addressing climate and environmental challenges. These engagements highlight MedECC's commitment to tackle these issues through international collaboration and scientific expertise.
Here are some of their significant involvements:
Workshop for journalists (French): Atelier de Tunis sur l’économie circulaire
Du 2 au 5 décembre, Tunis a accueilli un atelier organisé par Africa 21, réunissant journalistes, experts et organisations internationales pour discuter de l’adaptation aux effets du changement climatique, de la désertification et de l’aridification.
Axé sur l’économie circulaire, la gestion de l’eau et le tourisme durable, cet atelier a mis en lumière le rôle clé des journalistes dans la diffusion d’informations fiables, un objectif essentiel auquel le MedECC est fier d’avoir contribué.
MedECC joined Mediterranean Pavilion as scientific council during UNFCCC COP 29, which was held from 11 to 22 November December 2024 in Baku, Azerbaijan.
MedECC contributed significantly through the involvement of its authors, who presented the scientific findings of the three MedECC Special Reports developed on key issues affecting the Mediterranean region on Coastal risks, on Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) nexus, and on Climate change and human migration.
MedECC at Ecomondo 2024: Mediterranean sea level rise, the phantom menace?
The 27th edition of the Green Technology Expo Ecomondo 2024 (lien vers Ecomondo) took place in Rimini, Italy, with this year a special focus on Africa.
Dario Camuffo, researcher at the National Research Council / Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (Italy), represented the MedECC at the event “Mediterranean sea level rise, the phantom menace?”
Workshop: Climate change risk management in coastal cities
Ahead of the United Nations Ocean Conference, MedECC participated at a workshop focused on coastal risks and resilience processes in all their dimensions: knowledge, strategy and operational solutions, governance and financing.
Two scales were examined: the Metropolis of Alexandria as a case study, and the Mediterranean as a whole.
MedECC in Cairo: advancing Science Diplomacy
During a busy week of events, MedECC was invited at multiple engagements in Egypt, providing an opportunity to underline its unique role as a science-policy interface on climate and environmental changes.
MedECC was present at the Cairo Sustainable Energy Week (CSEW), at the
4th UfM Energy and Climate Business Forum and in a high-level meeting on science diplomacy.
Workshop on Climate change-migration-conflict nexus in the Mediterranean: lessons learned and future perspectives
This event was part of a series of pre-workshops organised in the context - and piror- to the international conference on the Climate Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East.
The major objectives of the workshop were a review of the main results of the MedECC Special Report on Environmental Change, Migration and Conflicts in the Mediterranean, and the exploration of “lessons learned and the way forward“ with regard to research and political initiatives aimed to minimise the adverse effects of the migration crisis in the Mediterranean.
The MedCLIVAR conference is a scientific meeting focused on advancing the understanding of climate variability, change and impacts in the Mediterranean region.
MedECC authors presented key findings from the MedECC Special Reports on coastal risks, climate-wefe nexus, and environmental changes-human migration nexus to the
MedECC in the press
Find the latest press articles focusing on environmental and climatic issues in the Mediterranean, interviews with MedECC researchers and news articles on the activities of the MedECC and its reports.
For media enquiries, please get in touch with the MedECC Secretariat.
EL PAIS - SPAIN Global warming and poor urban management increase flash floods in the Mediterranean.
El calentamiento y la mala gestión urbana aumentan las inundaciones repentinas en el Mediterráneo.
LE FIGARO - FRANCE "Risk of forced displacement of 20 million people by 2100": the Mediterranean on the front line of climate change.
«Un risque de déplacement forcé de 20 millions de personnes d’ici à 2100» : la Méditerranée en première ligne du changement climatique.
AL-MAMLAKA - JORDAN Experts: Climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts in Mediterranean countries are insufficient
خبراء: جهود التخفيف من آثار تغير المناخ والتكيف معه في بلدان المتوسط غير كافية
LE MONDE - FRANCE The Mediterranean basin, a region even more exposed to the consequences of climate change.
Le bassin de la Méditerranée, une région encore plus exposée aux conséquences du dérèglement climatique.
SHOROUK NEWS - EGYPT Experts: Climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts in Mediterranean countries are insufficient
خبراء: جهود التخفيف من آثار تغير المناخ والتكيف معه في بلدان المتوسط غير كافية
LIFEGATE - ITALY Cop29, without climate action 20 million people fleeing around the Mediterranean.
Cop29, senza azioni sul clima 20 milioni di persone in fuga attorno al Mediterraneo.
MedECC Coordinators: Fatima Driouech, Joël Guiot, and Piero Lionello MedECC Secretariat: Kasia Marini and Julie Gattacceca
Please contact the MedECC Secretariat if you would like relevant publications, news, material to be published in the next newsletter to share with the community: contact@medecc.org
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